Wondering About My Cool New Name, BEVERLYK?
My new “stage name” may seem a little pretentious at first glance, but there is a reason: neither Beverly White or Beverly Arden worked. After years of trying unsuccessfully to get my page on IMDB to restore all my credits and unlink my profile from Beverly White, NBC news anchor PLUS being unable to unlink my name from 1930’s singer / sister of Mae West, Beverly Arden, I knew a change was in order!
My Life. My Blessing.
Life is not always fun, but it’s never boring!!!! It’s always a gift and a blessing. My favorite movie quote is “God is god all the time. All the time, God is good.”
It’s Never Too Late!
No expiration date on dreams
If nothing comes of this pursuit…
If I am never remembered past this life..
If I have a ball…
If I manage to touch another life…
my posse
people who support me
So Many People
So Much Gratitude…